Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village in Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda).
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Kalyāṇavermā Sārāvalī | Ch.49 Kalyāṇavermā enumerates the effects and nature of the twenty-four horā for the twelve signs when it is occupied by the Lagna….

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Half Zodiac

Parāśara ṣoḍaśavargādhyāyaḥ śloka 6½ राशेरर्द्धं भवेद्धोरा ताश्चतुर्विंशतिः स्मृता। मेषादि तासां होराणां परिवृत्तिद्वयं भवेत्‌॥ ६॥ rāśerarddhaṁ bhaveddhorā tāścaturviṁśatiḥ smṛtā | meṣādi tāsāṁ horāṇāṁ parivṛttidvayaṁ bhavet ||…

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Parivṛtti Drekkāṇa

This is the simplest of the regular drekkāṇa charts and just like the parivṛtti horā, is based on direct count from Aries for the 36…

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Parāśara Drekkāṇa

Overview This is the first of drekkāṇa charts based on the completion of the circle of the zodiac which is the real meaning of parivṛtti….

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राशित्रिभागाद्रेष्काणास्ते च षट्‌त्रिंशदीरिताः। परिवृत्तित्रयं तेषां मेषादेः क्रमशो भवेत्‌॥ ७॥ rāśitribhāgādreṣkāṇāste ca ṣaṭtriṁśadīritāḥ | parivṛttitrayaṁ teṣāṁ meṣādeḥ kramaśo bhavet || 7|| Translation: Dreṣkāṇa (drekkāṇa) is one-third…