Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village in Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda).
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Rājayoga from Horā

Rule 06: Kalyāṇavermā (Sārāvalī) teaches that rājayoga are initiated by the Sun and sustained by the Moon. By implication it means that planets well placed…

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Parāśara Horā: Half Sign

Half Sign Parāśara Śloka 5 ½ सूर्येन्द्वोर्विषमे राशौ समे तद्विपरीतकम्‌॥ ५॥ sūryendvorviṣame rāśau same tadviparītakam The Sun and Moon, in that order, [enliven] the odd…

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Horā Meaning

Meaning of Horā There can be various meanings of the word horā and it is preposterous to conclude that this word was borrowed from the…

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Kendra: Lotus Pond

Introduction The chart is visualized as a pond of water which is the center of life for the city/village. It gives water that sustains life…

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Chandigarh Workshop

Files that were discussed at the recent Chandigarh Workshop are being uploaded. If you want the DVD Video of the workshop, contact the organisers Karma…