Varāhamihira Drekkāṇa
Nomenclature: from Varāhamihira Mihira Drekkana or D3-M Varāhamihira defines the horā and drekkāṇa in the opening chapter of Bṛhat Jātaka (śloka 12). We have defined…
Kashinath Hora
Introduction Points listed by my student Sanjay Prabhakaran. These are just some starting points. Details of the D2-K Hora was taught in the Himalaya Class…
Sammukha Horā
Sammukha Rāśi are based on the South Indian Chart where a line passing through Cn-Le junction and Cp-Aq junction divides the zodiac into two parts….
Horā V Guṇa
Guṇa: refers to the nature of signs and planets as of one of the three types – sattva, rajas or tamas. An imaginary line divides…
Horā IV Gola
Gola: गोल (gola) refers to sphere or globe as the celestial globe or as the globe of the sun or of the earth in Sūrya…